Worship and Witness in Crisis

Ettrick Press has just published a collection of essays titled Worship and Witness in Crisis.

This is an edited collection of essays which explores how the church has responded to the coronavirus crisis. This book does not set out to criticise the church. Instead it seeks to analyse the questions Covid has posed for the church’s worship and witness.

Contributors from various denominations across the UK reflect on the events of 2020-21 from biblical, theological, and historical perspectives, with the aim of equipping the church for the future.

Copies cost £10.95 plus p&p and can be ordered via the Ettrick Press website. Sample pages (including the full list of chapters and contributors) are also available there.

6 thoughts on “Worship and Witness in Crisis

  1. If I may leave an endorsement, this is really required reading in our times. Sadly the subject has been the source of so much strife and division within the visible church in the past year and a half. The thoughtful, challenging and well articulated take on various aspects covered in this book should be read and digested by anyone aiming at a Biblically informed response to the issues concerned.

    Liked by 1 person

  2. Neil, thank you for this encouraging response. The volume certainly sprang from a heart to heal divisions in the church, at least partly through identifying the principles we need to (re-)unite around.


  3. Hi, Cath. I just put in a plug for Ettrick Press at the Puritan Board. Hopefully, that will generate some traffic to the website.


  4. I feel like such a dolt that I apparently missed this when it came out; just learned about it through Banner of Truth. Thank you all as always; I’m so eager to get my hands on this book.


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